The news quickly spread on Facebook and Instagram among horse lovers from the east of Munich: Jack Russell Pauli is missing. The dog lives with his owner Tanja at the Riem racecourse and disappeared on the evening of February 14th while out for a walk. Various groups searched the grounds of the Munich Racing Club and the surrounding area for days. They even crawled under the alpine pasture where Pauli was last seen – but there was no trace there either!
Owner Tanja offered a reward for whoever could find Pauli and bring him back. Days passed without results and without any good news. But there was no question of giving up! After 11 days, on February 25th, a dog search party was called to the racecourse. One of the sniffer dogs did smell Pauli under the alpine pasture and, thanks to the efforts of the search party, was rescued from a 1 meter deep hole under the alpine pasture, virtually unscathed! Pauli was without food and water for 11 days – so it’s a miracle that he can now play, sleep and cuddle in Tanja’s living room again!
Dear Tanja, the whole racing club is happy that you never gave up and that you were able to hold Pauli in your arms again!